Hot : ATA016A0X3-SRZ TDK-lambda V24C5T50BL V24C12T100BL


Brand info.

Customer Satisfaction

means that we only supply products that are durable, highly effective, and of the highest quality. Our aim is to make a difference to our customers - successfully and efficiently. We keep our promises and do not make com- mitments that we cannot keep.

First Mover

means acting on our pioneering DNA. We expect ourselves and our pro- ducts to always be one step ahead. We are driven by our passion for development, rapid production and continuous improvement.


means looking into the future, understanding technical trends, and using them to drive innovation, which ensure the sustainable and long-term success of MTM Power® and its customers. We are curious and think outside the box.

Continuous Improvement

means ensuring that our processes, techniques and practices are as efficient, accurate and effective as possible to deliver the best possible products and services. We are constantly working on ourselves to become a better company!


means supplying only durable, authentic products of the highest quality. Our power modules convert electrical energy reliably, accurately and effi- ciently, in all environmental situations and conditions, at all times. MTM Power®: trustworthy & authentic.


means focusing on long-term economic resilience that goes beyond environmental considerations. It takes into account social as well as financial sustainability and responsible management of resources.


means thriving by recognizing each other‘s strengths, whether as custo- mers or employees. We listen and grow together, helping and supporting each other towards our common goal: The best possible power supply solutions for our customers.

Recognition & Empowerment

means that we respect our employees and value each individual's contribution to the success of our company. We provide targeted support in order to remain successful and competitive in the future.

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